Omnichannel Strategy for Retail Media and DOOH: Mobile Data and Geofencing

Mobile Data for Retail and OOH

In the vibrant world of marketing, creating an engaging omnichannel strategy is like hosting a lively party where everyone’s invited, and no one wants to leave! It’s all about ensuring your brand or product is the life of the party, no matter where your guests are hanging out – online or offline. And guess what? The secret ingredients to this fabulous mix are mobile data, particularly SDK (Software Development Kit) based data, and a sprinkle of geofencing plus sensor magic. Let’s dive into why Mobile Data and Geofencing are not just important but absolutely essential for a winning strategy for DOOH and Retail Media.

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The Magic of Mobile Data

Imagine having a crystal ball that tells you not just who’s interested in your party (a.k.a. your brand) but also what makes them tick. Mobile data, especially that gathered through SDKs, is your crystal ball. It provides insights into user behaviour, preferences, and engagement across different mobile apps and websites. This data is gold because it helps you tailor your messages and offers to match the interests of your audience, making every communication feel like a personal invitation to an exclusive event.

Read our blog: Leveraging Location, Mobile, and Sensor Data for Retail Success 

Geofencing: Your Secret RSVP Tracker

Now, let’s add some geofencing into the mix. Geofencing creates a virtual boundary around a specific location – think of it as setting up invisible party banners that only those who walk through can see. When used alongside mobile data, geofencing allows you to count the number of people passing by certain geolocations, such as retail stores or outdoor advertising spots. This is incredibly useful because it helps you understand foot traffic patterns and the effectiveness of your physical marketing efforts. It’s like knowing with good accuracy how many people glanced at your party flyer pinned on the community board!

The Power Duo in Action

When you combine SDK based mobile data with geofencing, you unlock a powerhouse of opportunities. For retailers, this combo can inform when and where to run special promotions, helping to attract more customers into the store. For outdoor advertising, it provides real-time feedback on how many potential customers are in the vicinity, enabling brands to adjust their strategies for maximum impact.

Simple Steps to Success

  • Leverage SDKs: Integrate SDKs into your mobile apps to start gathering rich user data. This will be the foundation of your personalized marketing efforts.
  • Set up Geofences: Identify key locations where you want to engage with your audience. This could be around your stores, competitors, or high-traffic areas relevant to your brand. In other words, virtualise your locations.
  • Analyze and Act: Use the insights from mobile data and geofencing to create targeted marketing campaigns. Tailor your messages to resonate with the local audience’s preferences and behaviours.
  • Measure and Optimize: Continuously monitor the performance of your strategies and make adjustments as needed. Adding sensors (aka cameras) on those physical locations as a last mile verification is the best way to validate this virtual data. The goal is to keep the party going and the guests happy.

In the end, using mobile data, particularly SDK based data, along with geofencing in your omnichannel strategy, is about making every potential customer feel like they’re getting a personal invite to the best party in town – your brand. It’s a cheerful and effective way to ensure your message resonates across all channels, making your brand not just seen but also remembered. So, get ready to turn up the music and welcome your guests. The future of marketing is not just about reaching out; it’s about reaching out in the right way.

Book a demo with us and learn more about how Admobilize can support retailers and media owners in this digital age!